George Takei, who played Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek and, more recently, Hiro Nakamura's father in Heroes, guest-stars as himself this Friday, May 22nd @ 10:30pm EST in the season finale of the Starz! original comedy Party Down. In the all-new episode, the crew is excited to be working the extremely exclusive wedding of Hollywood super-mogul Barry Stannheiser and his 22-year-old fiance Marty Pong as it's sure to be packed with celebrities and bigwigs. However, they are all disappointed to learn the Party Down team is working as a backup crew to the Uber-efficient and wildly good-looking Valhalla Catering team, led by Ron's archrival and team leader Uda Bengt. With everything on the line, Ron collapses back into his former partying ways, leaving Henry to single-handedly keep the team afloat, determine his own future with Casey, and try to save Ron's job.
Takei is a wedding guest who endures some interesting interactions with a member of the Party Down catering staff who takes his obsession with the Star Trek star to extremes. This episode also guest-stars former Heroes regular and Veronica Mars leading lady Kristin Bell, who plays Uda Bengt. Party Down regulars Ryan Hansen (Henry) and Ken Marino (Ron) also had recurring roles in Veronica Mars - as Dick Casablancas and Vinnie Van Lowe, respectively - and Marino also plays the recurring character of Tony on the CW Network series Reaper.
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