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Amazing interview, thank you so much for this. Those of us who are fighting for this show just love Sock and it's great to hear Tyler talk about his love for the show. Wish him the best with Sons, which looks hilarious, and hope he can find a way to stay on Reaper for a third season too!

We're asking fans to support the syndication deal you mention by wrting your CW affiliate and say there's a fanbase in your area and it would be a ratings boost for them on Sunday nights! Find your affiliate here: http://www.cwtv.com/stations.

Donna Barstow

I hope he can stay on Reaper, too - he's an important part of it. I don't think he'll find better writing elsewhere, that's for sure. And it was interesting reading his take on so many of the episodes (though I closed my eyes, la la la, at next weeks')!

My ode to Reaper is here: http://thecartoons.net/2009/04/25/my-friends-are-dying/

Tyler Labine

Great article Steve. Thanks for giving me possibly my last great Reaper piece. Always a pleasure chatting with you homeboy. TY.

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