EUREKA, the Syfy Channel's popular original dramedy series, has cast actor Jamie Kennedy (Ghost Whisperer, Scream trilogy), for a guest appearance on the show's fourth season. Eureka is currently being filmed on-location in Vancouver, British Columbia. Syfy has ordered 20 episodes of the series, which will premiere July 9th, 2010 @ 9:00 p.m. EST/PST. Kennedy joins a line-up of previously announced guest-stars including Jaime Ray Newman, Matt Frewer and Wil Wheaton.
Jamie Kennedy will play Dr. Ramsey in the episode entitled The Story of Oz, directed by series star Colin Ferguson (Sheriff Jack Carter). In the episode, Sheriff Carter leaves Eureka to visit his daughter Zoe (Jordan Hinson) at Harvard while the town celebrates Space Week. A new self-propagating oxygen technology developed Dr. Ramsey in order to potentially colonize on Mars mysteriously begins to build up in the atmosphere above Eureka, threatening to incinerate the entire town. The episode is scheduled to premiere Friday, July 30th, 2010.
Kennedy, who is also a comedian, writer and author, had his first film role as an extra in Dead Poet's Society starring Robin Williams. He is best known for playing the role of the movie buff, geeky Randy Meeks in the Scream feature film trilogy. Kennedy headlined his own popular series, The Jamie Kennedy Experiment, and has appeared in such films as Romeo + Juliet, Three Kings and Bowfinger.
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