LUCAS Bryant (Queer as Folk, Dollhouse) and Eric Balfour (24, Six Feet Under) have been cast in the Syfy Channel's new drama series Haven, based on the novella The Colorado Kid by renowned author Stephen King. Bryant and Balfour join Emily Rose on the series, which is slated to air on Syfy this summer. Haven follows FBI agent Audrey Parker (Rose), who arrives in the small town of Haven, Maine on a routine case...only to discover that this curious enclave has served as a longtime refuge for people who are affected with a remarkable range of supernatural abilities.
Bryant will play Nathan Wuornos, the wry local cop who soon becomes Audrey's partner. Bristling under the thumb of his father, the Chief of Police, Nathan has a quiet, controlled demeanor that often clashes with Audrey's feisty one: a dichotomy that also makes them perfect complements. As events in the town begin to unfold at a suprising pace, Nathan's usual controlled sense of calm is put to the test.
Also among the citizens of this eccentric town is Duke Crocker (Balfour), a charming yet mysterious jack-of-all-trades. Though Duke outwardly appears to be a free spirit who lives an unobtrusive life on his boat, it becomes apparent that his mellow demeanor may conceal a much darker agenda. Production on Haven is expected to commence in Spring 2010 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
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