Paul McGillion as Dr. Carson Beckett on Stargate Atlantis. Photo copyright of the Syfy Channel
Last month, actor Paul McGillion (Stargate Atlantis' Dr. Carson Beckett) very kindly agreed to answer questions from the readers of SciFiAndTvTalk. We got through as many as we could, so without further delay, here are Paul's answers. Enjoy, and thank you to everyone who sent in a question!
If Stargate Atlantis were to return, would you be in the series? (from Mischa Mipa)
PAUL McGILLION - Yes, but because Jason Momoa is now Conan the Barbarian, they've asked me to play Ronon. Seriously, I'd love to be part of Atlantis if they decide to come back, but it would be all up to the producers, though, and, of course, the fans.
When you look back on Stargate Atlantis, what moments/memories will always stay with you about your experiences on this wonderful show? (from Deb)
P McG - Tons of moments; the pilot, especially. Just stepping onto the Atlantis stage on the first day of filming had a real special feeling to it. One of the first people I ran into was Robert Patrick (Colonel Marshall Sumner), and I thought, "This is going to be really cool." I was excited and I think everyone had that same sense of enthusiasm about the show and the possibility of it running for a long time, which it did
So that was a great memory, and then just all my friends that I met through the show, David Hewlett (Dr. Rodney McKay), Joe Flanigan (Colonel John Sheppard), Jason Momoa (Ronon Dex), Torri Higginson (Dr. Elizabeth Weir) and Rachel Luttrell (Teyla), was great. We had so many laughs, it was really fun. And then there are moments that you can't erase from your memory, one being a scene in the episode Duet where David Hewlett kissed me. I would consider that more of a nightmare than a memory - a recurring nightmare.
Honestly, there are just so many different things that we had the opportunity to do on the show. I always equate it to playing cowboys and Indians in space, and with each new script, the cast felt, "OK, what are we doing this week? Oh, I'm wearing a hazmat suit. Oh, this character is drinking a potion that makes everyone fall in love with him,' etc. Atlantis is just a fun show that's full of escapism and I think that's why fans like Stargate; it gives them an hour to escape into another world and I just think it's fantastic.
Is there a chance you will work on other projects with some of your co-stars from Stargate Atlantis? (from Deb)
P McG - I certainly hope so. I've had the pleasure of working with David Hewlett on A Dog's Breakfast, which was great. Again, I think they're all really fine actors and hopefully our paths will cross again, if not on the Atlantis movie, maybe another TV series or film. It's a pretty small world so I'm sure that will happen at some point in time and I look forward to it.
What is your favorite episode of Stargate Atlantis? (from Steven)
P McG - That's a tough one. I would have to say that for me, personally, it's the first season's Poisoning the Well just because I think it's the episode that kind of solidified Beckett as a regular in the series. It was a very meaty Carson story and almost a test of sorts for the character to see if he could handle that much, and thankfully it worked out really well and I was very happy with that episode. It was quite touching and it showed a lot of humanity as well as a great deal of the humor with Beckett as far as him initially going through the wormhole and walking through the tunnels on the planet and all the dialogue that went along with that. A lot of the comedic aspects of Beckett came out. And then you see the humanity of the character, especially later on when Perna (Allison Hossack) dies in his arms. So I think it was a really beautiful episode.
First of all, thank you so much for your work on Stargate Atlantis. Your character was what made it the most worthwhile to watch. I hope you will have the chance to play Beckett at least one more time in an Atlantis movie if/when it is green-lit. My question for you is, has playing Dr. Beckett affected your own personality/views as an individual? (from Rebecca S.)
P McG - Hi, Rebecca. Well, I was fortunate enough in that I was born in Scotland, so that really helped when I decided to come in and do a Scottish accent for Beckett. So I think when they chose me to play the part, they chose me with a Scottish accent, whereas a lot of other actors came in with different types of accents. But I just stuck to my guns and wanted to play him Scottish.
As an actor, you put a little piece of yourself in every role, and I think there are aspects of Beckett that I carry in my own life as well. He's a very interesting character and I think the show's writers gave him a number of opportunities to reveal a lot of different layers. So like I said, every character has a little bit of you in it. I'd like to hope so, anyway.
What was the most difficult Atlantis episode you did? (from Rebecca S.)
P McG - Duet, for obvious reasons, including those I previously mentioned.
Will you be doing any more Stargate Atlantis audio books? Those are just fantastic and keep the show alive for me. (from Wraithfodder)
P McG - Somebody actually mentioned the possibility of another one coming through and I'm certainly open to it. So if they were to ask me I'd be willing to do another one; they're a lot of fun to record.
I've enjoyed your guest-starring role on Sanctuary; do you think it will be an ongoing thing? (from Qzee) P McG - Well, Qzee, I appear in the first two episodes of Sanctuary's third season, which I just finished shooting a couple of weeks ago (mid-April), so we'll see where it goes from there.
What is the weirdest Sci-Fi prop you've had to work with? (from Michelle)
P McG - The oddest Sci-Fi prop would be the Ancients drone chair in the first couple of seasons of Atlantis. The place you put your hands is made of a material similar to silicone and when you touch the silicone it reminds you of (...). All the crew would come by and put their hands on it all the time and squeeze it, and then all of a sudden in the last couple of seasons it was (changed to) hard plastic. I don't know why they took it away, though, cheeky buggers!
You were great in A Dog's Breakfast. Now that that's out of the way, what was your favorite Carson Beckett moment on SGA, and your favorite scene to shoot? (from RodneyisGodney)
P McG - Thanks Rodney Is Godney for your comments about A Dog's Breakfast. As far as favorite Carson Beckett moments, that's another tough one because there are so many of them. It would probably have to be a McKay/Beckett moment. For example, in The Outsiders, David and I had a lot of fun trying to get into the cockpit of the Wraith dart, and McKay is telling Beckett that they both can't squeeze into it. That was pretty funny and we were all laughing about that.
There's another scene where Joe Flanigan punches my character in the arm and says "Buck up, Carson." That was a really funny Carson moment, I thought. And then there's the one where David Hewlett and I are standing outside on one of the Atlantis balconies at the end of Sunday and McKay is saying goodbye to Beckett. That was one of the saddest Carson moments.
What's your favorite brand/flavor of chocolate? (from scaperfan) P McG - Cadbury's Dairy Milk. If we had seen the inside of Carson's room, what kind of decorations would he have had? (from scaperfan)
P McG - At one point we did see a glimpse of his quarters, but if it were up to me I'd have had a disco ball, a round bed with lots of silk sheets for the ladies, and a Martini bar. Hmm...I wish I had that life.
What action sequence would you have liked to have seen Carson in? (from scaperfan)
P McG - Our stunt coordinator, James "Bam Bam" Bamford, and I had always talked about trying to get Carson to give somebody a headbutt, or a "Glaswegian kiss" as they call it, but we never were able to fit that in. That would have been fun to do on the show. Bam Bam tried a couple of times, but the producers didn't go for it.
Who's your favorite superhero? (from zoewillsavetheworld) P McG - I liked the Mighty Thor when I was a kid, and I've always had a thing for Wonder Woman, too!
Looking back at the SGA episodes, I noticed that you and Rachel Luttrell have great onscreen chemistry. Do you think the writers should have written in a little Beckett/Teyla romance? It definitely would have made for some deeply emotional and beautiful scenes (from Alexandria)
P McG - Thank you, Alexandria. Rachel Luttrell is just a sweetheart and a great actress and it would have been terrific to have more with Teyla and Beckett. Let's face it, Carson needed some more lovin'.
You were awesome in A Dog's Breakfast. The movie was absolutely hilarious. Any chance you'll be working again with David Hewlett in the future? (from Alexandria)
P McG - David always has projects going on, so if he would like me to partake, that would be wonderful. I had a blast doing A Dog's Breakfast and he mentioned a sequel at one point in time, and if that were to happen, it would be fun.
Last but not least, what's your favorite movie of all time? You're absolutely brilliant and incredibly amazing. I hope you come back to Australia sometime soon; I missed you the last time. (from Alexandria)
P McG - Thank you again, Alexandria. That's really sweet of you and I would love to come back to Australia any time. I always have a great time there. Favorite movie of all-time, that's tough. I'll give you three - I love The King of Comedy, which is a dark comedy with Robert DeNiro, Jerry Lewis and Sandra Bernhard. I love The Indian Runner, which Sean Penn wrote and directed, with Viggo Mortensen, David Morse, Dennis Hopper and Patricia Arquette. And comedy-wise I love Stripes.
If you had the chance to play any movie or TV character, which would it be? (from Alena) P McG - Bond...Pauly Bond.
You were named after Paul McCartney, so could you list five of your favorite Beatles tracks. I'm a huge fan of theirs, and yours, of course, so I would love to hear your answer to this one. (from Julia)
P McG - "Yesterday," "Hey Jude," "Come Together," "Let It Be" and "With a Little Help From My Friends."
What are your favorite Science Fiction books? (from Mara)
P McG - The Lord of the Rings books.
If you could be a superhero, which would it be? (from Zoe)
P McG - I think The Flash would be cool.
How did you feel when you found out that there would be no sixth season of Stargate Atlantis? (from Michael)
P McG - For me, having been killed off in the show and then brought back in the fifth season on a recurring basis, I was surprised to be honest. I thought the show would have gone a sixth year. I think a lot of people did and I think many of them were disappointed. But at the same time I thought, you know, in this day and age, to do 100 episodes of a television series is a huge achievement, so I think everyone should be proud of what they accomplished with the program. It was great to be a part of; it would have been nice to have seen another season, but at the same time everything happens for a reason.
First off, I wanted to tell you that I adore Carson Beckett; thank you for your wonderful performances and giving him so much heart. I also love your work in the very funny A Dog's Breakfast, and I'm proud to be a member of your Thunk Thread on Gateworld. I've tried to acquire See Grace Fly as I'm very keen to see it, but the contact at the distribution company on the website said that they're not sure they'll be making any more copies. Do you have any say or influence in getting more DVDs made? (from dolfyn)
P McG - Thank you my lovely thunker from Down Under. I appreciate your nice comments about Carson and my characters in A Dog's Breakfast. As far as See Grace Fly goes, it's interesting that you mention this because right now we're re-working the cut of the movie, so I would hopefully think within the next six months we should have a much higher-quality version available on DVD. We weren't happy with the way the transfer-to-DVD happened, so we're now in the process of redoing it and will be coming out with a new, modified version. Once we figure that out and the DVD is available, I'll post the information on my website.
Will you be coming back to Australia (specifically Melbourne) for a convention any time soon? (from dolfyn)
P McG - I would love to. I had a great time in Melbourne; I adored the people and the city. It was just fantastic. So hopefully that will happen sooner than later, and rumor has it that it might.
Have you learned to embrace technology yet? (from dolfyn)
P McG - Ask Steve Eramo that because he's the one who's transcribing these answers for you guys (blushes Steve).
Having played a doctor and filmed operating scenes, can you handle seeing real medical procedures on TV, or do you get squeamish? (from dolfyn)
P McG - Definitely squeamish - I turn the channel immediately.
I'm the biggest fan of both Dr. Beckett and Mr. McGillion. I could never get enough of your concerned yet caring look, spiced with the charming Scottish accent. I sincerely wished for Beckett to somehow come back to his rightful post after "Sunday." I have one simple question - why was Dr. Beckett written out of the series? (from Michael)
P McG - Thank you kindly for your great compliments, Michael. That, my friend, is a question for the producers, but the great part is Beckett came back, and for me as an actor it was great to reprise the role.
Along with answering your questions, Paul also took some time out to talk about some of the recent and upcoming projects he has been busy working on.
P McG - I just finished filming Fruition, the second to last episode of V's first season. I play a character named Dr. Lawrence Parker, a telemetry expert who gets himself into a sticky situation so to speak.So we'll see where it goes from there. Most of my scenes were with Elizabeth Mitchell (Erica Evans), who is fantastic. It was a great set to work on with a terrific crew as well as cast. Prior to that, I returned to Sanctuary, and my character of Terrence Wexford comes back and opens up the first two episodes of the third season. He's especially prevalent in the second episode, and some very dramatic stuff happens onboard the ship. The lizard is back and in full force and he's got a lot of attitude. Terrence isn't a very nice man and he's got his problems. I think the word is "power-hungry."
So it was great to be back and working with Amanda Tapping (Dr. Helen Magnus) and (executive producer) Martin Wood, who directed the episode. A lot of familiar faces from Stargate work on the show, too, so it was a real blast to be back and reprise my Wexford character. Again, we'll see where it goes from there.
Prior to that I had a guest-starring role in a new Canadian series with Callum Keith Rennie (Battlestar Galactica) called Shattered and I played a really quirky and interesting character named Victor Hugo. About the only thing I can say is he turns out to be a very bad man. I also just finished a short film called A Fine Young Man that we're going to submit to the Toronto Film Festival. It's directed by an up-and-coming director named Kevin Funk and co-starring a very good friend of mine, Wes Salter (Supernatural), along with Ali Liebert (Harper's Island) and Cole Humphries. It's a period piece circa 1962 and a bit of a political thriller.
I did an independent film as well called Hit and Strum that we're hoping to get into the festival circuit, too. I'm a co-star in that alongside Kurt Cowat and Michelle Harrison. And I also shot another movie, a thriller called Confined in which I co-starred with Emma Caulfield (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Michael Hogan (Battlestar Galactica) and David James Elliot (JAG), and that will be coming out shortly. So it's been a busy few months for me, which I'm really happy about. And as always, just a note to everyone who reads this blog, from my lips to you guys, Steve Eramo is the man.
Thank you again, Paul! Make sure to tune in to ABC on Tuesday, May 11th @ 10:00 p.m. EST/PST for V's "Fruition."
As noted above, photo copyright of the Syfy Channel, so please no unauthorized copying or duplicating of any kind. Thanks!
Lovely, lovely interview (as always). Thank you so much Paul McGillion for answering our questions, and thank you, Steve, for another charming interview. Best wishes to you both.
Posted by: morjana | 04/27/2010 at 08:00 PM
The QA was worth the wait! :) and very happy he answered my question (under Wraithfodder) :)
Posted by: Elyse | 04/28/2010 at 08:00 PM
Thank you, thank you, to both Steve Paul, for this wonderful QA. It's a very enjoyable read, I'm thrilled that all my questions were answered. I'm a happy fan! :D
Feel the love.
Posted by: dolfyn | 04/28/2010 at 08:00 PM