THE Syfy Channel's all-new one-hour drama series Haven, starring Emily Rose (Jericho, Brothers and Sisters), commenced production on April 20th in Halifax, Nova Scotia and its surrounding area. Based on the novella The Colorado Kid from renowned author Stephen King, the series follows the shrewd and confident FBI Agent Audrey Parker (Rose) with a lost past who arrives in the small town of Haven, Maine on a routine case. Before long, her natural curiosity lands her in the epicenter of activity in this curious enclave, which turns out to be a longtime refuge for people who are affected by a range of supernatural afflictions.
As the townspeople's dormant abilities begin to express themselves, Audrey helps keep these forces at bay while discovering the many secrets of Haven - including one surrounding her own surprising connections to this extraordinary place. Among the citizens who cross Audrey's path along the way are local cop Nathan Wuomos (Lucas Bryant), who eventually becomes Audrey's partner, and the mysterious and charming Duke Crocker (Eric Balfour). Adam Kane (The Mentalist, Heroes,Pushing Daisies) will direct the pilot.
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