The Doctor (Matt Smith) and Amy (Karen Gillan) try to figure out how to deal with the Weeping Angels. Photo copyright of the BBC.
SPOILER ALERT!! - Surrounded by the Weeping Angels, the Doctor (Matt Smith), Amy (Karen Gillan), River Song (Alex Kingston) and their military colleagues are forced to make their way through the twisted maze of the crashed space liner in an effort to escape. Meanwhile, in the forest vault, Amy faces an horrific danger that could abruptly cut short her time as the Doctor's new companion...or worse. Flesh and Stone airs Saturday, May 15th @ 9:oo p.m. EST/PST on BBC America.
River Song (Alex Kingston), The Doctor and Amy manage to locate the control room of the crashed star liner. Photo copyright of the BBC.
Father Octavian (Iain Glen) and his remaining troops do their best to provide some protection for the Doctor and River as they try to help Amy. Photo copyright of the BBC.
As noted above, all photos copyright of the BBC, so please no unauthorized copying or duplicating of any kind. Thanks!
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