Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol (L-R): Michael Gambon (as Kazran Sardick), Matt Smith (as The Doctor) and Katherine Jenkins (as Abigail). This holiday-themed Doctor Who adventure airs Christmas Day in the States @ 9:00 p.m. EST/PST on BBC America. Photo copyright of the BBC.
Matt Smith (as The Doctor). Photo copyright of the BBC.
Katherine Jenkins (as Abigail). Photo copyright of the BBC.
Katherine Jenkins (Abigail) and Michael Gambon (Kazran). Photo copyright of the BBC.
Matt Smith (The Doctor). Photo copyright of the BBC.
Katherine Jenkins (Abigail), Kazran (Michael Gambon) and Matt Smith (The Doctor). Photo copyright of the BBC.
As noted above, all photos copyright of the BBC, so please no unauthorized copying or duplicating of any kind. Thanks!
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