Tinsel Korey (The Twilight Saga) and Shannen Doherty (Beverly Hills 90210) become embroiled in two dark takes on the increasingly popular fairy tale genre – the first ever Syfy Original Movie Double Feature – while Gina Holden (Flash Gordon) is trapped on a deadly deserted island, in a special three-pack of February Saturday Original Movies.
In Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island, premiering Saturday, February 11th @ 9:00 p.m. EST/PST, a group of travelers become stranded on a mysterious island. Confronting vicious pirates, terrifying creatures and an active volcano, they must find a way to escape. The movie, a production of K2 Pictures, stars Gina Holden and Mark Sheppard (Supernatural).
Black Forest, starring Tinsel Korey and Ben Cross (Chariots of Fire), tells the chilling story of tourists lost in a magical forest, who battle evil fairy tale creatures plotting to kidnap one of their babies and slaughter the rest of them. A production of UFO Films, Black Forest airs Saturday, February 25th @ 7:00 p.m. EST/PST.
Shannen Doherty and Paul McGillion (Stargate Atlantis) star in Gretl: Witch Hunter, premiering Saturday, February 25th @ 9:00 p.m. EST/PST. Twenty years after his encounter with the witch, a grown-up Hansel returns to the haunted forest, seeking revenge. But there's a surprise waiting -- his sister Gretl (who he thought had been killed) is the witch's protégée. Gretl: Witch Hunter is a production of Vesuvius Productions and distributed by Sony Pictures Television.
I'm REALLY excited about this!
i heart mysterious island :)
check out the film website: http://www.julesvernesmysteriousisland.com
and their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/julesvernesmysteriousisland
Posted by: ccarter | 02/01/2012 at 02:25 PM