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Michelle Higgins-Mahe

Ksenia Solo is amazing. I think that she makes the show. The cahracter Kenzi played by Ksenia is a much stronger character than Bo who is played by Anna Silk. Ksenia lights up the screen with her comic relief and displays a full command of her character. I would really like to see more of Kenzi. Way to go Ksenia. Hope to see you in more movies in the near future!! You are truly a natural at your craft!!

Matthew the Wayfarer

So, how do we pronounce "KSENIA"?

Candi Highmiller

I love the series!!!!!!


I love Kenzi.She's funny and beautiful.


we pronounce it ['ksenija]


Thank you Ksenia (Kenzi) for making my syfy viewing sooo worth while:)

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