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Jan J.

Great article! Mr. Potts is a very talented actor who obviously cares a lot about what he does and that shows in the work he produces. The Connor character is beloved by many due to his great appeal as someone vulnerable, caring and ultimately maturing and strong individual. I am very happy they included Andrew Lee Potts at least in the initial episode of Primeval: New World and wish it could go further than that! It would only be to their benefit!


Really looking forward to New World, still hoping though we also get a sixth season of the original series


This is an exceptional content, and I can agree with what was written here. I will be back to check out more of your articles soon. Thanks.


Great article, wish they'd release some new info on the show though. Haven't seen anything new in a while and I still think it's a mistake to not make Andrew Lee Potts a series regular. 1 or 2 episodes just won't do it put him in all of them.

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