The Bastard Executioner, FX’s highly-anticipated new drama series pilot from Kurt Sutter, has lined up a stellar cast of veteran and emerging actors that features series regulars Lee Jones, Stephen Moyer, Katey Sagal, Flora Spencer-Longhurst, Kurt Sutter, Sam Spruell, Darren Evans, Danny Sapani, Timothy V. Murphy, Sarah White, and Sarah Sweeney, and guest star Matthew Rhys. Production of the pilot begins on March 19 in Wales.
A period drama, The Bastard Executioner tells the story of a warrior knight in King Edward I’s charge who is broken by the ravages of war and vows to lay down his sword. But when that violence finds him again he is forced to pick up the bloodiest sword of all.
The Bastard Executioner was created by Kurt Sutter, who will serve as Executive Producer along with award-winning producers Brian Grazer, Francie Calfo and Paris Barclay. Sutter wrote the script for the pilot of The Bastard Executioner, which will be directed by Barclay. The project is being produced by Fox 21 Television Studios and FX Productions.
The cast stars:
Lee Jones , a newly discovered Australian theater actor, will take the lead as “Wilkin Brattle”: Tall, dark, imposing. Emotionally deep, spiritually tortured. Former knight in the charge of King Edward I.
Stephen Moyer (True Blood) will star as “Milus Corbett”: Street smart and noble savvy. He was one of Ventris' marshals in the army. Now, serves as his Chamberlain, Chancellor and Justiciar. Friend and drinking mate.
Katey Sagal (Sons of Anarchy) will star as “Annora of the Alders”: Prescient, mystical and beautiful. She offers predictions, cures and potions.
Flora Spencer-Longhurst will star as “Baroness Lowry ‘Love’ Aberffraw Ventris”: As cunning as she is kind and beautiful. From a wealthy Welsh family, she married Ventris at 17 to protect her family's land. Her noble duties always in conflict with her Welsh pride.
Kurt Sutter (Sons of Anarchy, The Shield) will star as “The Dark Mute”: Mate and guardian of Annora. Speaks rarely, no one's ever seen his face.
Sam Spruell (Snow White and the Huntsman, The Hurt Locker) will star as “Toran Prichard”: Fierce, tenacious. An archer under Madog Llywelyn in the last major Welsh rebellion. He put down the bow and picked up the hoe. Wilkin's best mate.
Darren Evans (Galavant) will star as “Ash y Goedwig”: Wiry, smart. A trapper. An orphan "of the woods". Friend of Wilkin.
Danny Sapani (Trance, Penny Dreadful) will star as “Berber the Moor”: A large, educated man. Converted Muslim. A farmer. Friend of Wilkin.
Timothy V. Murphy (Sons of Anarchy, The Lone Ranger) will star as “Father Ruskin”: A Brawny. Gentle, with bottled fury. Former soldier. Left the military for the seminary. Priest, rector and teacher of the court.
Sarah White will star as “Isabel Kiffin”: Tall, slight. Awkward and innocent. Lady Love's handmaiden and trusted confidant.
Sarah Sweeny as “Jessamy Maddox”: Pretty, hardened by abuse. The executioner’s wife.
In a guest-starring role, Matthew Rhys (The Americans) as “Gruffudd y Blaidd”: Smart, fearless, of noble blood. The Wolf. Leader of the Welsh rebels, Byth Encil.